kirby is funny
kirby is funny
yeah not rushed
fking awsome walice and gromit meets death i guess
Didnt c it yet
5/5 for being a fucking great person especially to your mom
XD fuck yeah. T's & Y's.
rascist humar at its best
so funny, profound, and definitely a piece of art that could only be exposed on a site like newgrounds.
jackie is a fking
bittttttttttttttttttttttttttchhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Now i want to trip again...thanks alot :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
:D sweeet
YAY a sweet song about compassion even; A great relief after seeing fking stupid natzi propaganda on this fkin website WTFFFF
im high but thats hilarious ill rewatch when im sober 2 make sure